Thursday, March 23, 2017

High Fuel Consumption

Does your scooter consume high amount of fuel ? If it does, your scooter might have some problem causing your fuel consumption go high. There are several reasons that occurs which result this problem. I will give you some tips and checklist to make sure that your scooter has good fuel efficiency and economy.

1. Check your carburetor. There are 2 thing to be check in your scooter carburetor. First is check if your choke lever is in normal position. If the choke lever is misplaced it can cause your scooter to consume a lot of fuel. In case of early morning starting of your scooter and your engine is cold, it is necessary to use the choke to make the engine starts but be sure that to place it back after use. Second is that check your carburetor tuning. Adjust your carburetor to the very best tune to make sure that it only supply the right amount of fuel to you engine. Also please add the checking of the drain plug of your carburetor for loose threads and clean your carburetor in case that it is dirty.

2. Check your scooter tires. Make sure that your tire is in the right amount of pressure to ensure the smooth travel. Flat tire or lack of pressure can increase your fuel consumption. Causing your scooter to slow down even if you are in a high throttle place. Check your tire for punctures, pressure and traction.

3. Maintain proper riding. Don't intend to ride you scooter very hard or push it to its limit. Unnecessary accelerations or braking can increase your fuel consumption and even worst is lessen your engine life span. It is important to maintain your bike in a good condition specially when riding. Check for brake drums and pads to make sure that there is no unnecessary braking happening.

4. Maintain proper changing of oil. This is just a small factor but still need to be remembered. Changing your oil and maintaining your engine in good condition help you in getting good mileage.

5. Check your air filters. This is one common problem that may cause high fuel consumption. With normal use in your scooter you can change your air filters in every 20000-30000 km. but need to be change frequently when you ride in more dusty road or terrains.

This are common and small factors that can affect the fuel economy of your scooter. Remember and consider all this factors so that you can save more and you help your engine to increase its life span. Proper care can save a lot by avoiding wear and malfunctions.

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